I Do – A Poem

Do you love me, baby?
You know I do
I don’t love you, dear
I don’t love you no no
I do
No no no no
I don’t love you
No I don’t love you
Baby I don’t love you
No no no
I don’t love you in the sun
I don’t love you in the sky
I don’t love you in the clouds I might rise
I don’t love you in the plains
And never, never
I’m going down as the yellow bird
And tell you who you really are
And I will hold you close to me as life is slowly dying
Give you a reason to live
Don’t you want to be a yellow bird
Just a yellow bird
I want to be that yellow bird

Thoughts on Love Poetry

Love poetry is among the oldest forms of writing. In reality, many ancient poems are dedicated to praising someone. However, there are a lot of different reasons why one would write a love affair, no matter if it’s to congratulate somebody, to express regret over losing somebody, or simply to say, “I care.”

Love poetry is frequently used as a type of comfort and consolation following the loss of a loved one. As previously mentioned, poets have been using this art form for centuries. The most popular types of poetry that are written about love, are usually the love poems that are devoted to a connection. There are also lots of poems that are written about friendship and love that are dedicated to a certain individual in a connection, such as in a wedding toast.

Love poetry isn’t always based around a relationship. Oftentimes, they’re written about everyday life, and also what a individual finds interesting, or even what they find beautiful about nature. People frequently write love poetry to convey joy and pleasure for a person they care about. This type of poetry can be very personal to a person since it is the expression of their true feelings for someone else. Some folks find this hard because they believe that their authentic feelings are concealed and not being read.

Writing love poetry sometimes takes a person of several distinct styles. There are people who are born poets, while others might need to work at it a little bit longer. Many times, these poems are not really poems at all. There are a few which are actually short notes about the person which they are writing about. Other times, the individual is really into poetry and wishes to share their job with someone else. If the poet has the ideal tools, they can even turn their poetry to prose.

These poems are also a great way to keep in mind the person who has been honored. Whether they are a close friend, family member, or just somebody that you admire, this can be a great way to talk about your feelings with them. You will find that many poets make it rather clear that the purpose of the poem is to honor somebody who’s special for you. The poetry is often as heartfelt as you would like it to be and will be as unique as you want it to be. It may be anything from a poem about a person that you just admire to something that is more serious, like a poem for a person who is battling an old friend that passed away.

When you are trying to find a poetry writer, or anybody else for that matter, do not be afraid to ask for samples of their work. You will be surprised by how much work it’s possible to get from them by simply asking. It’s so rewarding when you hear back from someone which you can discuss your ideas and feelings with on a piece of artwork, especially if you love it.

We Don’t Care – Poetry and Thoughts

I get my message from the outside world
No wonder he loves her
She needs someone to call their own
She says, please stay around me
I need you stay around me
We are like two parallel worlds
Filled with each other
Just parallel worlds
We’ll pass the years
Until somethin’ in life comes along
Just parallel worlds
Tell me why
I find myself in your presence all day
Nothing more, nothing less
In reality, it’s just we don’t care
We don’t care
We don’t care
If your life was just a game or just some scrap of paper
You wanted to go home
And think of me as if I was your only son
Tell me what are you after
Tell me what are you after.

Why don’t we care about things?

hot babe in white shirt
We don’t care about things…sometimes.

First of all, by “Why don’t we care about things?” you must mean why humans as a species do not care much about anything. Alright then.

First of all, as humans are a part of nature, I will assume that you mean the natural world when you say “things”. The natural world consists out of everything that exists (or once existed) in our universe. This includes objects and events such as animals, plants, mountains, stars etc., but also abstract concepts like quality and quantity.

These abstract concepts are especially relevant because humans have based their entire culture and civilization on them. Humans also apply these general ideas to every single person or object that exists, which seems to be a very strange thing to do.

For example, there is an abstract concept named “beauty”. Humans judge everything based on this idea: do you find it beautiful? If yes, then I should like it too. If not, then why are you forcing me to like things that I don’t appreciate?

Humans also generally believe that everyone else is the same and therefore should agree with them on how to judge things based on beauty. But this assumption of agreement does not seem entirely correct.

For example, if I say that this short essay is beautiful, most people will agree with me and find it pleasing to look at. But then again there are some people out there who would disagree with me on the same matter. This is understandable, if frustrating.

What are the important things to care about?

In the parking garage
What is important?

When I was a child, when the world was still young and fresh, my mother brought me to a daycare center. In this place children would play with toys, use blocks and crayons in order to learn how to manipulate objects in their environment. These days most of these jobs have been taken over by computers.

I remember one toy in particular that fascinated me as a child. It was a simple plastic ring with colorful blocks which would fit into the holes of the ring, and I could squeeze and twist it to make them fall out. Other children also played with this toy, but I found my attention drawn to it over time.

In this toy the blocks were colored blue, red and yellow. The blocks would fall into one of three holes at random as long as I applied pressure to the ring, each hole was marked with a different color. As children we were taught that these colors represented ‘good’ or ‘bad.’ Blue is good, red is bad, and yellow is somewhere in between.

For the first time in my life I was asked to think about ‘good’ and ‘bad’. What is good? What is bad? What does it mean to be good or bad?

The most obvious answer is to say that good is a quality of things, and bad is the opposite. That blue represents good because it is color associated with positive emotions such as love, happiness or joy. Red on the other hand represents negative feelings like anger or fear.

This is where I came to understand that everything in life, every person, object and emotion is simply a combination of atoms. The blue blocks were made up of the exact same things as the red blocks. The only difference was their arrangement and how they interacted with each other.

Should we try harder to care?

Brunette in a bikini indoors
Should we try harder to care?

I can see how we need to care, and I think that we should. After all, caring is what makes us human beings in the first place. And not just caring for other humans; some of our greatest achievements are built on compassion for animals as well.

Yes, I can see how some people are less caring than others. Some of us care a lot more about other humans, while you don’t seem to at all! It’s quite clear from your actions that you have no compassion for anyone else in the world.

Sometimes we need to care more, and sometimes we need to care less. As for your statement that ‘We must try harder not to hurt others’ – I think that’s a good motto. The problem is, if everyone feels the same way as you do, then people will end up being very lonely.

I believe that we should care about the people around us, and try to help them. But if they don’t want our help – well, that’s their choice.

I think as human beings we should care about other humans. But it’s a choice, not an obligation.

We need to care about the people in this world. Yes, I agree that we should try harder not to hurt others.

I Had To Get Away

I had to get away
I was just walking away from the door
I had no money, I was so hungry
I walked with an angel, you know I had no pain
So I begged heaven for a long journey
And it’s now or never, I’ll never believe,
Now I was walking away from the door
I was just walking away from the door
I had no money, I was so hungry
I was driving to work, I was running home from,
Sometimes I don’t think I’ll be home for good
Sometimes I think I won’t eat at all,
I go outside to photograph the trees and talk about the windows
And then I wake again and watch the sun sink
Oh the days grow short, I’m not sorry,

Money Check

It’s so hard to find when you are from the other side
Just hold up your full name and maiden name, and fill out the form
I want to tell you my story now, how did we meet
Now I’m in the wrong place but I know I’ll be back
I’m in a place that I can’t explain
But I thought I knew how you feel
Now I’ve found what really matters
Now I can tell all the world that this can’t be
‘Cause your heart says you love me
Now I’ve found what really matters
Now I can tell all the world that this can’t be
‘Cause your heart says you love me
I know you say you love me
But it don’t mean anything to me
I don’t want an earned, no,
Money check.

Is Poetry Art?

I would say no to this question. Poetry is not an art form, and I will tell you why.

Art is an activity that involves the creation of a new artifact, or performance of a piece. This can be seen in all types of art.

In poetry, the words and structure are not enough to make it an art form.
Let us consider two types of poetry: free verse and structured. Free verse, for instance, is what we see in modern poetry.

The line breaks, the words selected and the structure are not prescribed. The poet writes in a way that suits his feelings at the moment.

This is a very expressive form of poetry. There is little restriction, and the poet has control over what he or she writes.

But Then I’d Never

And the pain, the pain.
And if I fall, and if I fall hard
And if I fall to my knees.
She looks at me and she says
I’ve got a heart of stone
And I’m out of luck.
I could be great sometimes
But then I’d never
Be this strong for her.
She says, there’s nothing you can do
To make me go away.
You see, it’s true
I’ve got a heart of stone
And I’m out of luck.
I could be great sometimes
But then I’d never
Be this strong for her.
I see the promise, then see the shadow.
One thing I can say, is that she’s right.
I see the promise, then see the shadow.

Why do we read poetry?

The first point to make about poetry is that it is a human creation. Humans write and read poetry, so it must have some purpose. Poetry can be said to exist for one of two reasons: as an art form or for its meaning.

The first of these, art, is simply a technical term for the expression and appreciation of beauty. Poetry expresses ideas in an aesthetic way that can be appreciated by many people.

However, it could be argued that this is not the main reason for poetry. Many people are simply unable to appreciate poetry. If we consider early humans who lacked any formal education in language or literature, it seems unlikely that they would have been able to understand poetry.

The second reason poetry is created, its meaning, is why most people read and write it. As humans we are social animals; we need other people to live a happy life. Poetry can be said to exist for this purpose.

Once again, this is not the main reason for poetry. If someone was living alone on a desert island with no others, it seems they would have no need to write or read poetry.

Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that the purpose of poetry is both art and meaning. Poetry allows us to express our thoughts in a unique way that can be appreciated by others.

We’re Gonna Go On

If you’re gonna stick around, you’ll be sure to keep your head up
And I mean it
If you’re gonna stick around, you can keep your head up
And I mean it
We’re gonna go on
To the club, the show
If you go along with me
I’ll see you later
Just hurry to the club
Club, club
We’re gonna go on
To the club, the show
Don’t you worry who knows what they’ve got waiting
For everyone going round,
And everyone knowing what they’re supposed to
So we don’t have to worry about finding the dance floor
‘Cause I don’t know who’s responsible for something so beautiful
You can find it and you found it, I found it

You’re So Alone

You’re not a man anymore
You’re so alone
I guess you don’t believe me
Every time you look at me there
Is when I’m with you
All alone and I’m waiting here
What can I do to make you wanna take me away from me?
I have lots of feelings in the stars and on the land
And I will not go, no, no, no, no, you say I’m crazy
Tell me, crazy
Honey, just how can I explain?
I feel as if I’m wrapped up in a spell
And when I think about it
I don’t know what to say and you
You feel I could never be this way
So, won’t you take my hand and
You’ll change your mind, and change your mind

Your Inhibitions Are Way Up

You say your heart is cold
I’ve had enough of pain.
You want to be a hit girl with the latest thing? You sure do me!
I can’t hear you any more
Your inhibitions are way up
I’m feeling kind of upset, a little bit confused.
Come on baby, do what you want!
I’ve had enough of being alone.
I need to set you free!
I can’t sing you any more
Your inhibitions are way up.
Come on baby, do what you want!
I can’t sing to you any more
I can’t sing with you any more
Your inhibitions are way up
Tell me baby what is wrong with you